Monday, March 19, 2012

Disney Songs & Kitchen Cleanliness

I've had a few ups and downs lately which has caused me to be less than active on my blog. I suppose blogs are for you to get out your words and thoughts and so I should have been updating all throughout this crazy time, but I felt that it would be better not to do so.  This past weekend was a good one, it had its ups and downs (Saturday up, Sunday down), but today has been a wonderful day. 

The boy is teething again, I am pretty sure..I turned him upside down (one of his favorite things) and he was wide-mouthed and excitedly laughing so I had a chance to look into his mouth and I do believe I saw the start of these two little tell tale holes that begin the teething nightmare.  I noticed these when he got his first two bottom teeth and it would appear that we are very close to this again.  I noticed last week he was feverish and snotty as all get out, but I thought he got sick from my friends at the salon.  I did keep in mind that it could be round two of teething because these are also symptoms of teething and sure enough that is what it looks like.  I am hoping that he isn't too miserable on Wednesday when we have our first baby play date!

I did manage to find a playgroup and a mommy meetup group that I thought would be a good fit for me.  I actually joined two of them, but will probably fit in more with the one group. I just want to keep my options open and do something with Bradley one to two times per week so that I can get him out and socialized with babies around his age.  I also need a support group because while my husband tries and is wonderful...he still has to work 8-11 hours a day which means I have the boy from approximately 7am to 5:30pm solo.

Today has been a great day though...I spent some much needed time working on cleaning my kitchen and listening to some of my favorite Disney tunes on Pandora.  I always loved those Disney movies and can't wait to watch them with Bradley and hopefully baby #2 also.  I am still apprehensive about my pregnancy and not sure everything is okay, but I'll be able to see the baby again and have my NT scan on March 26th, 2012 which should put me at ease.  I am definitely looking forward to being put at ease for once. I have been on an emotional roller coaster since Bradley was three months old.

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