Don't get me wrong I know the kid has to get teeth because he cannot exist on formula forever, but it would be nice if he were a little more predictable with his fussiness. Last week we had some amazing sleeps; this week has been slightly different in many ways. The other night we were up from 9pm to Midnight with a screaming infant who had both gas and sore gums-not a good combination...think pork sandwhich served in an ashtray it was that kind of combination. Something that you definitely do not want.
Sometimes it is so hard for me to believe that I have gotten right back on the baby making train so quickly, but it had to be this way, because I am not getting any younger and neither are my eggs. Also my husband and I have struggled so much with infertility that we simply could not let it go much longer. If it were not for the cancelled and converted cycle in late November it would have been even sooner.
I go in to the clinic again tomorrow for another blood draw and I am hoping for big numbers so that we can schedule the sonogram and see how the state of my uterus is doing. I have been poked with needles so much in the past three months that I have lost track and I am still giving myself my nightly progesterone shot in the bottom. It is all worth it to build my family though and all I have ever wanted was to be a wife and mom and now I get to be and I get to grow my family albeit it the hard way.
That is the other thing about infertility, once infertile always infertile you never quit worrying. You worry that you you won't get the two pink lines, then you worry that your beta test won't be positive, then you worry that your beta won't double, that the sonogram wont show a heartbeat...yadda yadda...yadda. And yet there are shows like Teen Mom and Pregnant at 16 where ladies that have no business having children are getting pregnant with ease and yet here I am and so many others in the state of infertility.
I cannot complain too much, I have been blessed beyond belief to get to the point I am currently and I am hoping that I will continue to be blessed and promise not to take it forgranted.
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