I got my BFP for which I am so thankful. Naturally, I won't know anything until the ultrasound which is scheduled for Valentine's day. There are about three or four of us currently with BFPs and I constantly compare my beta numbers to theirs when I do this mine seems so low, like literally mine was seven times lower than one of the women that is currently pregnant. I also compare my beta numbers this time to my beta number the first time and it was only half as high and that time I was pregnant with a singleton.
I'm not going to lie, I am really hoping that this time I get incredibly lucky and have two healthy heartbeats on the first scan. I am FINE with one healthy heartbeat, but if I were able to have twins then I could finally put this crazy infertility roller coaster behind me. For some reason I have this idea that 3 is the perfect number of children. Honestly, any number is great and I already have one miracle so I cannot be choosy, but if it were up to me and I were able to choose and able to carry a twin pregnancy to fruition I would choose to be a "twinmom" and be give all my extra medicines away to someone else on Twitter.
The hubby isn't so sure he's ready for two more, after all we will have at least two children fifteen months apart which is pretty close in age. I am ready though, ready for anything I just hope one if not both of my embryos is still hanging on for dear life. I will do my best to support them and be healthy to give them the best start.
I feel so blessed.
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