Thank the Heavens for modern technology and that we can actually leave the house because of cell phones. I cannot imagine being strapped to an old rotary dial phone at home waiting for its klaxon ring tone.
Yesterday, I visited with the good doctor's office again for my third and last beta test before moving on to the all important sonogram where you actually get to see the baby's fetal pole, yolk sac, and hopefully hear the heartbeat! Now, one only gets to this step if you pass your third beta test which at my clinic means that it is up around 1,000 which would indicate that you have good doubling time and thus whatever is growing in the "Ute" is producing HCG which indicates viability in the beginning of life.
So, I get all dressed (in green no less, my signature color this cycle-but more on that later) leave the kidlet with the Hubby (with the promise of breakfast) and hurry to the RE in order to get back in time for conference call #1 of my husband's work day. Side note: he has been very accommodating and while he wants this too-I do need to find someone I can trust with the baby because he cannot continue to do this watching business. {written mostly, for the Hubby if he ever gets his eyes on this blog-but it's true and I'm working on it!}.
Off I go to the RE, the waiting room is packed solid much like my deep freeze was after we got that half a cow three years ago, and it wasn't even 9am. Thus I wait patiently in the chair for my blood draw, I tweet, I read, I tap my foot and finally they call my name and I am ushered back for a quick check of the old BP and then then take my blood and tell me they will call me later with my numbers.
Now, after the blood draw when you are at home with yourself and your thoughts...that's when the real wait begins. I try to busy myself with other things I already have a baby, who is teething no less so it really is not that hard to find something to say trying to get the little nugget to nap. Now that could chew up half the day!
The trouble with me and waiting is that I am a piss-poor waiter...I cannot handle that something is in someone else's hands and I have no control. For this reason I am worse with the second and third beta numbers than I am with the two week wait. The two week wait you cannot get away from, but you can POAS (pee on a stick) and get a really good idea of how that first one is going to turn out, but for the later ones there is no way to know.
So I wait....I tap my foot, I check my phone, I obsess, I eat half the pantry. Three o'clock rolls phone call, but they said they'd call right? They have always come through on their promises and this time will be no different. Five o'clock rolls around, now even though they close at five I have gotten calls as late as six thirty. Seven o'clock rolls around, by this time I am in full blown panic and I am snapping at everyone within earshot. My poor dog spent half the night underneath the master bed. By the time I call it a night it is evident that I will not be getting my update. I have no clue what has happened, but I am going to bed without a clear number in my head which is very irritating and scary.
All the thoughts of doubt seep into the crevices of my gray matter. Thoughts such as, my numbers went down and they are waiting because the doctor as to call, but I temper that with maybe the centrifuge broke....
Right before bed I decide to email the head nurse, she has always been receptive and being that I have beaten the odds (presumably twice) once for sure she has been very accommodating. I check my email a few times before bed, but find no reply.
This morning I wake up and the first thing I do is check my email and low and behold there is a letter from nurse Linda! I was fearful to open it, but had to. It was a very apologetic letter, not because my beta numbers were low, but because her assistants were supposed to call patients as well and some how they must have forgotten about me. She said to call the clinic around 10:30am and they would get back to me with my exact numbers, but she ensured me that they were over 1,000 and I would be scheduled for the next step...the sonogram!
Thank GOD!
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