Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning!

Today I went for my progesterone level test which is no more than a basic blood level test that won't tell me very much in terms of pregnancy but will let the Dr. and nurse know if my uterine lining is "fit" to sustain a pregnancy. So here we are at one week post retrieval and 4 days post three day transfer..I have to say that I have no real symptoms of pregnancy yet and that scares me.

I have been dizzy as fuck which is really annoying, because I go to get up and I'm like "whoa!" and I have also been slightly short of breath and I did cry when I saw a firetruck today. Naturally, all of this could be for not and it is just the progesterone talking...but God I hope not. I want so much to be pregnant and done with the IVF roller coaster for another 9 months. I have had so many needles shoved in my veins that I don't know if I can do this again for another cycle in a few weeks or a month.

My husband, who was out of town was able to come back one day early which really made my day! I was so happy to see him last night when he got in! It is hard being the EVERYTHING to an infant and knowing that if you don't change that diaper, give that bath, burp that baby etc. no one else is going to do it. Harder than hard!

I am still waiting on the news of my progesterone level, but even with the numbers it won't tell me very much at all. I did think it was funny that the Hubster asked me how many sticks I peed on while he was away, the answer is ZERO. I did not test yet, it's way too early for that and it starts and ugly and expensive downward spiral of emotions when you aren't sure and keep testing every time you pee! I will probably wait until at least day 10 or so I think that is what I did last time but the memory is faint because so much road has been covered between November of 2010 and now.

I weigh-in tomorrow and we'll see how that goes. I have not been doing very well since I am such an emo-eater. I haven't been completely out of control, but I did kind of decide that I would not bother tracking the last few days since I was out of extra points anyway. I think tonight I might call a soft serve from Sonic dinner and head to bed kind of early, or perhaps watch a few old episodes of American Horror Story. I miss that show scaring the shit out of me and sadly have to wait til October for it to commence.

I hope you are still with me embies, I promise to be the best Mommy ever or at least try :)

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