This pregnancy is way different, and I even shutter when I say pregnancy because I am still not sure that it is true. Sure, I worked for it harder than most have to, but still until I see that heartbeat I will not believe that we are really going to have a sibling for B. With regard to this pregnancy I still am asymptomatic as far as breast tenderness, morning sickness and the like, but I do have some seriously odd cravings, am exhausted, and have mondo hip and joint pain. I guess that isn't exactly asymptomatic afterall!
As for my cravings....chocolate milk is high on the list, not the stuff you buy, but the stuff you make with Hershey's Chocolate Syrup because for some reason while I like chocolate milk I like it very light chocolate (keep, the jokes to yourself-no not like my men.). I have also wanted anything MEAT. For me this is completely different from my usual high carb diet. I love pasta, and still do, but I am definitely more carnivorous than I have been in the past. Ground beef is a high priority even if I take an iron supplement.
For breakfast, I'm having chocolate milk and a chicken cheese and zesty bean quesadilla. Um...definitely something wrong with that picture.
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